Summary: Use 875,000 PAL to keep incentivising deposits until the end of the year.
Our DAO currently has distributed 1,000,000 PAL in the past 6 months to incentivize deposits, as per PURe 1. The program is officially running its course today.
While the main goal of reaching proposal power has not been reached yet, Paladin has significantly grown, with over 60,000 stkAave under management. We believe we need to keep the campaign running to keep a dominant position in the vote lending industry.
Aave is in beginning to rethink their tokenomics and we believe that being one of the largest “holders” of StkAAVE is going to significantly advantage Paladin to provide services on top of these tokenomics in a few months.
Additionally, we would like to use this budget to attract funds on new pools and to incentivize Warden usage eventually.
We also believe that cutting incentives now, when the market is bleeding, would heavily push people to leave our platform.
For this reason, we want to renew the campaign, with 100,000 hPAL / month (current distribution configuration, as per Adujstments #5) +25,000 hPAL for upcoming campaigns.
- 875,000 PAL (125,000 hPAL were sent pre-emptively to avoid having a period without incentives).
This program will be reviewed at the end of the year.
Voting options:
Yes / No / Abstain