Allocate 250,000 PAL for Core Team to try to win a Tokemak Reactor during Core 3
Previous discussions: Tokemak Core 3 Strategy
We’re currently sitting at the 17th spot of the race with 135,000 votes with a threshold of 1,500,000 votes to win a reactor.
Seeing that we are currently in talks with Alchemix to borrow their 1,200,000 votes and have officially passed the vote for APWine’s 240,000 votes, we are theoretically in, for ~200,000 PAL in OTC deals.
Winning a reactor brings quite a lot of value for Paladin:
- It’s a good communications campaign
- It enables us to diversify treasury opportunities
- Will raise our liquidity options
At the beginning of Paladin, we airdrop 2% of the supply to governors in Aave, Uniswap, Compound and Curve (the equivalent of 250,000 PAL per system we could say), giving away 250,000 PAL to enter the Tokemak ecosystem should be considered a fair opportunity.
250,000 PAL.
Our main concern as a DAO should be to avoid sunk cost. Worse case scenario, we pay the 250,000 PAL, all of them are dumped and we lose the reactor race.
To avoid so, we have taken a few security measures:
- We will only do OTC deals to minimize dumping;
- We have added a provision letting us resell the vote if we feel losing the contest is becoming obvious and minimize / neutralize our losses;
- All deals are to be activated in the last few hours of the race;
We need to be ready for the last day, Monday, so the vote will be launched in a few hours and last 48 hours, exceptionally, while we discuss of it here.
Voting options:
Yes / No / Abstain
PS: We are in the middle of a governance transition and so will probably count bot PAL and hPAL for the coming few votes
*PPS: I know I am biased on this vote so I will abstain to let the DAO have more leeway on the decisionmaking process
- Yes
- No
0 voters