PGM-52 Treasury Management #12

Summary: Optimize PoL and vote incentives for liquidity efficiency

As per Treasury Management proposal #7, Paladin has been harnessing PoL farming for the past eighteen months, while it has been a successful way to pass the bear market and prove our product market fit, the use of the farmed assets needs to evolve with the DAO needs.

Nevertheless, efficiency on both Curve and Balancer has been heavily hit since the beginning of the year and some other opportunities have arisen that we cannot ignore. We should use these new opportunities in order to grow our liquidity on L2s. We have 25,000 idle LUSD that were supposed to go into Blueprint, but because of the protocol’s hibernation, they are available for a new strategy.

We propose to swap 25,000 LUSD to DOLA, the leading stablecoin on Base and pair it with the equivalent in PAL on Aerodrome, as well as migrating current incentives allocated to Aura there.

Additionally we wish to migrate the whole Paladin Curve PoL into a new and more efficient crypto ng pool in order to lower swap cost, and make swapping a more enjoyable experience for users on mainnet.

Outside of Aura’s lower efficiency, we have accumulated a significant amount of Aura (68,905 vlAURA) and have been the sole voter in the gauge for 5 rounds. It would seem that the incentives are not needed anymore, hence the suggested migration.

Additionally, we have BD opportunities around several products on Base that make it worth our time to deploy some liquidity there. Aerodrome being the venue of choice, with its 3.2x efficiency and visibility, it should not be a debate. Additionally, Inverse Finance, DOLA’s originator is a very large AERO stakeholder, with 1.33% of all AERO under management.

These integrations will enable to test drive Aerodrome while we built out our dedicated marketplace and unlock new upcoming integrations for PAL. The vote efficiency on Aero should also enable to grow our revenue by a fair amount.


  • Swap 25,000 LUSD to DOLA;

  • Get Base to whitelist PAL for bridging (in progress);

  • Bridge the 25,000 DOLA and PAL equivalent to Base;

  • Start bribing ~10,000 PAL per week on Aerodrome;

  • Create a new crypto ng PAL-ETH and migrate the whole PAL-ETH liquidity there;

Voting options:
For / Against / Abstain

  • For
  • Against
  • Abstain
0 voters

Thanks for this proposal, full support on deploying POL on Aerodrome & bringing PAL on Base.

Indeed Aerodrome is very efficient at the moment because of the recent price increase, but it also makes acquisition of strategic assets riskier.

Is there anything defined on support from Inverse that could receive this pool ?
Could also be worth reaching out to the Aerodrome team who might allocate a ve3,3 NFT if not tried yet.

It was the goal when starting the proposal accumulating Aura, to reduce emissions in PAL there & make it available for other strategies, nice to see it worked.

However it also depends on bribe cost spent compared to market price, which were lower in the early days, so this can also impact the amount of voters (didn’t checked recently if what we spend on vlAURA bribes match the average market price)

Do you have more details/docs on ng pools pls ? Checked the docs but might have missed it.

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There is no acquisitions of strategic assets mentioned in this proposal.
No official support has been decided yet, but it has been hinted they would support an incentivized pool. As for a free ve33, considering the size of Aerodrome, it might be wishful thinking for now.

Market price on HH is a net loss of 15% straight, we have a weight trick on our algo to get our clients above 1.0 efficiency but right now Aura incentives are not viable.

Sure: Creating a cryptoswap pool - Curve Resources

There is no acquisitions of strategic assets mentioned in this proposal.
No official support has been decided yet, but it has been hinted they would support an incentivized pool. As for a free ve33, considering the size of Aerodrome, it might be wishful thinking for now.

Market price on HH is a net loss of 15% straight, we have a weight trick on our algo to get our clients above 1.0 efficiency but right now Aura incentives are not viable.

Sure: Creating a cryptoswap pool - Curve Resources

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