Summary: Update the treasury management of non strategic holdings
Context: Quest & Warden protocols are generating fees, which were initially accumulated.
As explained in PEP-1 Recap, most of the non-strategic assets held by the DAO were sold for USDC to complete the loan repayment to Angle & secure most of the interest cost.
However, the DAO has to pay back 320,000 USDC after 1 year, meaning that a maximum of 324,000 USDC are still missing.
This post will present a treasury overview and discuss the following topics:
- Transfer of assets to the corresponding multisigs
- Allocation of the remaining non-strategic assets holdings
- USDC accumulation to reduce the debt exposure over time.
Treasury Overview (update March 8th):
Community Multisig:
Locked Tokens Multisig (aka Warlord Mainnet Multisig):
Collateral Multisig:
Locked Tokens Polygon Multisig (aka Warlord Polygon Multisig)
Quest Fees Collector contract:
I) Transfer assets to the corresponding multisigs:
Warlord Mainnet Multisig:
- Swap cvxCRV for st-yCRV
- Swap CLEV + cvxFXS + bb-a-USD to USDC
- Send PAL & USDC to Community Multisig
The CVX & AURA strategies updates related to Warlord release will be discussed in the next PGM.
Collateral Multisig:
- Reminder to swap sdCRV to st-yCRV
- Swap CRV to st-yCRV (increasing the Health Factor of the position)
- Send CVX to Warlord Mainnet Multisig
Community Multisig:
- Send CRV & APW to the Warlord Mainnet Multisig
- Keep MIMO & SAFE for now (low balance & not transferable)
- Consider how to allocate the remaining assets (D2D from swap & USDC - see II)
As voted on PGM-23, all strategic assets farmed with the POL are transferred to the Warlord Mainnet Multisig every end of month, at the same time as the yield claimed on all strategies.
II) Allocation of the remaining non-strategic assets holdings:
The community multisig holds 44,150 USDC (11 months of loan interests) + 73,200 D2D from token swap with Prime DAO (+80$ of MIMO + SAFE airdrop). .
D2D: Prime DAO deployed a pool on Balancer V2: B-80D2D-20USDC and is creating vote incentives to improve the base yield. The current yield on Aura for this pool is ~ 110% APR.
Considering the D2D holdings value (1900$), it would only require 478 USDC as equivalent.
This additional strategy would allow to increase the strategic assets accumulation by 200$/month.
USDC: As explained above, the 44,150 USDC have been accumulated by selling the non-strategic assets to cover the loan interest costs. If the D2D LP is created, the remaining balance would be 43,670 USDC.
While these funds should remain in USDC and easily available, the DAO could consider the following strategy:
- Deposit USDC on Morpho-Aave V2 and earn 1.44% APR + 1310 MORPHO/year at the current rate (token not transferable)
- Withdraw 4,000 USDC / month to pay the interests (if not earned during the month)
- Migrate the position to Morpho-Aave V3 once live with gauges.
III) USDC accumulation to reduce the debt exposure over time:
As described in PEP-1 Recap, selling the protocol fees was part of emergency actions taken to avoid liquidation on the Angle loan. However, the DAO still needs to accumulate up to 324,000 USDC over the coming year to repay the principal.
Some possibilities:
- Periodically (monthly ?) sell the non-strategic assets obtained from Quest and Warden fees to increase the USDC holdings.
- Deposit on a lending Market like Morpho to generate around 1.4% APR
- Swap any non strategic airdrop received to USDC
- Partially pay back in anticipation to reduce the total amount to pay
Means: None
Technical Implementation: None
Voting Options:
- Yes, let’s update these strategies
- No, rework the proposal
- Abstain
- Yes, let’s update these strategies
- No, rework the proposal
- Abstain
0 voters