PGM-33 : Allocating PAL to incentivize delegates

I believe that this is an excellent initiative and I am glad that this framework has taken learnings from the Hop Framework.

It is important that while maintaining an 80% participation rate, the participation rate should be reset at various intervals to ensure new delegates have a timeline in which they can join Paladin Governance. For example the case could be that the participation rate resets every six months.

I believe that having more than one source of delegation is an excellent idea, my only concern is that it many potential delegates may not be able to reach this quota, getting delegation may not be easy for a delegate without the required network and reputation. I believe that if we are trying to attract professional delegate teams and popular individuals then this could work well, but if we are looking to encourage new and organic delegates from the Paladin Community and beyond, this could be a hindrance.

Delegates joining the association is also a very important step in showing alignment with the long term vision of Paladin.

Finally, I believe that each delegate should self-report on their votes in their delegate platform; a good example is the StableLab delegate platform for Paladin; below your commitment should be your voting history in Paladin, as well as your rationale for each vote.

At the end of every month, any delegate can start a thread for delegates to report on their participation and communication rate for every vote. This is an example of what this would look like.