PGM-33 : Allocating PAL to incentivize delegates

It is on a monthly basis

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Ok so I asume this means the monthly budget is 25K PAL

But if tomorrow there are 15 delegates with 100k PAL delegated (I know it would actually be a good problem to have haha)
but can still theorically happen as it represent less than 50% of the circulating supply (1,5M/3,7M)

According to Baptiste example above, and if I understand correctly:
f(10 000) = 1000
f(100 000) = 2200
f(500 000) = 4999.78

This situation (assuming they all vote the same and have the same amount delegated) would lead to 2200 * 15 = 33000 which exceed the 25000 max monthly budget
What happens in this case ?

I took an easy example but some can have more than 100k etc

We have a 100k total budget, if we approach running out, we can do another proposal and study how it went well or wrong. This is a trial

Oh ok so it’s calculated & distributed monthly but based on a quarterly max budget which should probably be renewed if fully spent, got it thanks

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Vote is now live: Snapshot

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Quorum PGM-33: 556,354 votes


Hello everyone this is my first post ever on a governance forum. I’ve been following Paladin for over a year now.

So I might be a bit late, since the vote is already on going, but I don’t understand this proposal. How giving Pal tokens to people already active (ie voting) would make inactive people become active ?
Is there something I missed ? The only thing I see right now that could make inactive holder to become active is to collude with each other so they can share the Pal rewards.

Anyway, that’s why I abstained on this vote.

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I agree. Currently it’s just a signature to participate in snapshot so no costs to small pal holders. Not sure how incentives for delegates would convince the inactive users to pay for a delegation transaction which is why I suggested at a minimum a gas refund for users delegating. A better option could be a portion of the delegate incentives being redistributed to the users delegating?
That doesn’t mean that delegates shouldn’t be rewarded, it’s just that both sides should be benefiting.

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Hi, welcome to the forums.
Indeed, discussions on this are kind of late since vote is already set to pass unless a large unexpexted voter stands up.

Nevertheless it is never too late to clarify the goal of this proposal. The goal isn’t to push small voters to participate but to attract representatives that will actively participate in the project.

This program currently only rewards one person (Dydymoon) and i think no one will find it surprising that the DAO incentivizes its largest contributor. The question is, how do we get to 5 profiles contribution at such levels. PGM-33 is a stab at this

As for @FrenchTony 's message on the fact that solo voters should be rewarded, I totally agree.
Something like gating token utility to participation could be a strong motivation factor. More on this soon

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Gm ! Delegate dydymoon.sismo.eth self-reporting for June 2023.
Voting Power: 310 928 votes
Delegators: 12 addresses

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Gm ! Delegate dydymoon.sismo.eth self-reporting for July 2023.
Voting Power: 318 420 votes
Delegators: 12 addresses

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Gm ! Delegate dydymoon.sismo.eth self-reporting for August 2023.
Voting Power: 326 010 votes
Delegators: 12 addresses

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Delegate Reporting for September 2023

Delegate: stablelab.eth
Voting Power: 112,000 votes
Delegators: 2 addresses

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Gm @Kene_StableLab, glad to see you’re now eligible :fire:

Sharing my self reporting too but I noticed the program was intially approved from May to August, so I just submitted a PGM to renew the program.

(We should repost the reporting on the new thread if the PGM is approved)

Delegate dydymoon.sismo.eth self-reporting for September 2023.
Voting Power: 360 410 votes
Delegators: 12 addresses

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