Author: @0xAlex
Date: 2023-10-15
This proposal aims to establish the “Knights of PAL ‘’ a group of community members whose goal is to help the core team to promote Paladin by leveraging the Coordinape tool.
Paladin is currently at a crossroad with the launch of v2 in a competitive bear market. A lot of DAOs still don’t know how to handle vote incentives to grow their liquidity. I do believe Paladin could benefit from personal initiatives (content creation, BD leads etc.) of community members.
A project like Timeless Finance is bootstrapping its growth by proactively incentivizing such behaviors with the Coordinape Tool. In my view, Paladin DAO could consider a similar approach and assess if it can produce results.
Paladin DAO commits to a monthly budget (see more details in Means) to incentivize a small group of contributors (“The Knights of PAL”). The goal of this group is to raise awareness around Paladin, especially with the v2 launch (cf Scope and Example of tasks).
Coordinape is a tool used by crypto projects like Timeless, Alchemix, Snapshot, Gitcoin etc. Basically any contribution needs to be input in the tool by the contributors for tracking purposes. At the end of every month everyone will have 100 GIVE points to allocate to their peers based on the value of their contributions. It is also possible to include member than can give points without receiving any like core team members for instance.
The PAL budget allocated by the DAO will be split between the “Knights of PAL” at the end of each month. This will be based on the GIVE points received with the following formula ( GIVE Received / Total Give ) * Total of PAL allocated. Only people that send all their GIVE will be able to claim their PAL.
A .csv file can be extracted and input in the multisig to execute transactions. This can be made public with people joining the tool as “Organization Member”. Short FAQ At the beginning, this will be under the control of one core team admin and can be decentralized with time.
Differences with previous initiative:
Paladin DAO has already tried to set up a similar initiative to incentivize community members to create content with PGP-14: Creative Order. However the following pain points were noticed:
- Should we need One Leader and/or Committee to assess nbr hours/ work done ?
- Is it worth creating a specific multisig for the Creative Order?
- How to correctly price Bounties and who is going to do it ?
- Need to do a specific biweekly reporting
The budget for this project was 10k PAL /month = between $7K and $4K/month at the time.
I think a tool like Coordinape might solve some of these by allowing a leaner structure:
- No need to have a committee as the evaluation is done by peers
- The pricing of the contribution is based on the value perceived by peers
- The reporting is automatically done by the tool
Definition and Members:
To join the “Knights of PAL” you need to do two things:
- Have proven your interest in Paladin by being a Templar
- Opt-in by posting a short post in the Governance Forum following this template:
Twitter Account:
Your Introduction:
How have you been involved with Paladin ?
How do you plan to contribute to the “Knights of PAL” ?“
The admin member of the core team can VETO and ban members if they aren’t following the guidelines of honesty, or are trying to cheat (copying someone’s work, creating multiple accounts etc.)
Scope & Examples of tasks:
This initiative aims to focus only on “small tasks” related to Marketing, Community and BD
- Create content : threads/articles/videos or about Paladin
- Provide BD leads to core team by leveraging personal network
- Community Engage, analyze and provide recommendations for users
A non-exhaustive list of some concrete examples:
In scope:
- Marketing content creation “Write a thread about a specific product of Paladin”
- BD Leads for core team: “Discussion with the Head of growth of project X”
- Community engagement: “Answer many questions of users in Discord or Twitter”
Out of scope:
- Anything related to Paladin Governance as there is already the Delegate Program
- Any “major contribution” that will better fit in the Retroactive Grant Program expl: building a full Dune DashBoard, creating a full governance framework etc.
- Any “too small contributions”: answering one question on Discord, single RT
Links with current initiatives:
- Retroactive Grant Program and Zealy campaign:
Their scopes are different than Coordinape. Moreover, Zealy will benefit from Coordinape as Templar role is a requirement.
- Dework Dashboard:
Coordinape might replace Dework as it seems like this Dashboard hasn’t been used for more than a year. This could be an opportunity to try a different approach where the DAO puts an incentive first in Coordinape and see what actions will result.
Allocate a monthly budget of 2.5K PAL (worth atm around 250$) paid on Arbitrum to avoid gas fees. A vesting based on trust and on-chain tracking can be set-up to avoid members to dump.
By estimating between 8 and 15 people. The range of an equal payout is 310 PAL - 170 PAL per member which seems coherent with the historic data from the DeWork Dashboard. However, in practice the 80/20 rule is more likely where 20% of people are really committed and are getting most of the rewards.
Start with a 2 months trial period and then the Core Team can reassess by stopping the initiative if it doesn’t bring enough value or at the opposite increase the Budget.
Total budget requested: 5K PAL
- Improvement attempt of Paladin DAO Marketing & Growth
- Leverage the network/skills of community members
- Costs are fixed and under control
- Risk of lack of contribution
- Centralized tool (require admin from the core team)
- Restricted amount of ppl can decide how rewards are allocated (members)
Technical Implementation
- Set up a Coordinape Space and figure out integration of the .csv with the multisig
- New Discord role and specific Discord channel
Next Steps:
- Collect applications in a dedicated forum thread (required min 8 people)
- Elect an Admin among the Core Team (required for admin role)
Voting Options:
Yes, implement “Knights of PAL” program
No, rework proposal
- Yes, implement “Knights of PAL” program
- No, rework proposal
- Abstain