TL-DR: Move governance to an optimistic council governance structure
Dear community,
Paladin has now practiced decentralized governance for over two years, and executed ~90 proposals that have enabled us to evolve from a product with no future into a still small but sustainable ecosystem. There is a ton to learn from these past two years of very granular governance, both from successes and failures.
The current system has proved to be relatively successful at allocating resources and validating broad strategic plans. It is however, a large failure when topics become too granular or technical.
Here are a few examples:
When discussing treasury management few give their opinion, and even fewer are actually knowledgeable enough to take correct decisions;
When designing new products publicly, once again, only a very small subset is knowledgeable, motivated, incentivized to do so. Tokenomics 2.0 were a stark example of this;
It is far easier to create interference than meaningfully contribute (this is a general problem of public actions);
Current DAO frameworks are terrible at making clear of the scope of contributors;
In multiple instances, I’ve had numerous community members confide to me privately they felt out of their depth and would rather not participate. I think it’s time for a change.
The current governance process (writing a proposal, the discussions, and the 5-7 days of the vote) implies that Paladin simply cannot react quickly to opportunities without bypassing governance. This is a problem regarding treasury management (ie: we’re potentially losing a window to painlessly unwind our loan with Mimo) and other ephemeral opportunities. At current rate we have close to 2 proposals per week, which is way too high for anyone that isn’t full time on Paladin governance.
In terms of operations, the 9 signers have to coordinate regularly to manage the ever-growing tasks needed to operate Paladin (manage PoL, claim rewards, swap to ETH/stables, vote with strategic assets, distribute PAL incentives to active stakeholders, etc…). This creates new organizational risks that cannot be durably fixed with simple signer rotations.
Additionally, the current structure is not optimized for efficiency:
- It is increasingly hard to operate in acceptable windows in terms of gas costs;
- With an average of a proposal every 7 days, voters simply give up;
- There is no framework for most contributor work;
- We mostly fail to attract specialized contributors when they are needed;
- There are no transparency frameworks, which results in contributors struggling to communicate their actions properly and creates a growing frustration among active community members, who rightfully feel sidelined;
- We lack systems to truly empower skilled and motivated newcomers to stick with Paladin and share their brilliance.
We have entered a new cycle and it is up to us to be better, faster, and smarter than the rest of the market, to cement ourselves as a top protocol.
Proposed new system:
We currently have 3 active actors that intersect:
- Delegates & active community members;
- MS Signers;
- The DevCo;
The goal is to empower all four, improving the efficiency of our organization without reducing accountability. After several months of research I would like to propose we switch to a council system, reliant on optimistic governance to maintain stakeholder sovereignty and accountability.
This means that instead of the upcoming signer rotation, we would hold a whole new election for Council Members elected for a 6-month term (max of 3 consecutive terms). Councillors are expected to be elected for an agenda. They will either be simple signers with executive power, or tasked with specific jobs (non-exhaustive list, keen to debate):
- Liquidity Manager (Incentive deposits and liquidity distribution);
- Ops Coordinator (Making sure DAO proposals are executing and organising the signing sessions);
- Ambassador (representing Paladin on DAOs it builds on top of);
Specialized Councillors will be whitelisted to solo execute specific recurring transactions like swaps and votes via Zodiac. For the sake of efficiency and diversity it would be optimal to reduce the threshold to 7 councillors with a 4/7 threshold in order to increase signing speed. We believe this new system can have a reduced number of signers as votes will be executed via oSnap with a timelock, marking another step towards becoming an immutable organization. Ideally we will also have one of our two multisig under this timelock and the other under the management of the Councillors, this would prevent the risk of an evil signer cabal.
In such a structure, the hPAL holders are akin to a legislative body that directs the entire organization by electing representatives each cycle and greenlight roadmaps from the several service providers they fund. This would significantly reduce the number of votes the holders are expected to intervene in (3-5 per year) and highly raise the quality of such votes. They remain entirely sovereign, but delegate daily management and budget needs to the Council and its treasury.
Like the Synthetix Spartan Council, Councillors publicly vote on daily issues and are held accountable for these decisions. This is facilitated by their obligation to write a monthly transparency report (template of such report here), subject to validation of Delegates and individual stakeholders.
In such a system, delegates are effectively expected to become a counter-power akin to the judiciary branch in a traditional democracy. Unlike normal stakeholders, delegates are paid and expected to make the Council accountable for its action, by grilling councillors and their monthly reports, and, if deemed unfit, launching Inquiries through optimistic invalidation of their monthly reports. For this reason, it will not be possible to accumulate a councillor seat and a paid delegate position.
Similarly, we need to build frameworks to avoid having service providers create their own framework of payment. Proposal creation, if valuable, should be rewarded, same for ops, BD or development. Additionally we will have to Revamp the rewards for seating Councillors. A sitting councillor will earn 1000$ in PAL (and hopefully in stables instead starting in a few months), while a specialized council will earn 1500$ in PAL. Delegate pay will remain as it was decided in PGM 46.
Implementation Logic: :
- Integrate both Zodiac and oSnap into the Paladin multisigs;
- Vote a Genesis Council instead of doing a signer rotation - the process will be exactly the same (example here);
- Amend rewards for the new roles;
- For
- Against
- Abstain