Dear community,
As promised, we have transferred the 27,674,360.42 PAL left in the community treasury to the newly elected Community Multisig (eth:0x1Ae6DCBc88d6f81A7BCFcCC7198397D776F3592E).
Below, you can find a detailed accounting on what the 6,112,512 PAL spent to bootstrap the protocol have been used for. Feel free to ask any questions.
Next steps:
We’ve been warned by several players that LP on Balancer had some incompatibility bug so we’re thinking of keeping the custody of the LP until then and will claim & send the rewards manually for now. If you have a second opinion we’d love to make sure it would be a risk free operation;
Curve & Convex LPs will be transferred in the coming month too;
Smart Contract ownership is being planned but we don’t have any specific due date yet.