Summary: Update the BAL strategy
Context: As mentioned in Treasury management #2, most BAL & CRV holdings have been transferred to the Locked Tokens Multisig, with other strategic assets, and CRV strategy update is discussed on PGM-XX: Treasury Management #3.1.
While the CVX & AURA have been locked already to avoid missing another round (considering that there are not a lot of possible strategies for these assets), some of the BAL & CRV are already deployed but there might be better strategies.
Rationale: The current BAL holdings are the following:
Breakdown of the 1.86k BAL:
- 1634,38 BAL held on the Locked tokens multisig
- 30,34 BAL + 198 BAL pending claim from Aura on the main multisig
One of the long term goals is to get the ability to max lock for veBAL, allowing to benefit from all veBAL features without additional restriction: Governance power, gauge weight power, veBoost, protocol fees and any potential airdrop to veBAL holders.
However, we need to be whitelisted to lock BPT-80BAL-20WETH, and this can take time, so the DAO started by using wrappers and might continue before asking the veBAL whitelist directly, depending on the result of this proposal. .
After PGP 17, the Paladin DAO deposited 2832,4 BAL single assets on Balancer to receive 1091,4 BPT swapped for 1103.14 auraBAL deposited on Union for 1101,38 uAuraBAL temporarily, which allowed the DAO to autocompound auraBAL earnings.
Breakdown of uAuraBAL earnings:
Deposit balance vs current auraBAL balance: 1103,14 → 1306,33 = 203,19 auraBAL
uAuraBAL voting power:
None. As the treasury bought auraBAL, the voting power and veBoost are traded for more yield, which prevents from voting on Quests & earning bribes.
Even if the auraBAL APR is currently higher than the veBAL one and with an automated management, it’s mostly because of the auraBAL migration recently, so APR should decrease soon.
auraBAL current APR:
- 30.5% paid in AURA
- 27.3% paid in BAL from all BAL captured by AURA
- 0.2% paid in bb-a-USD from protocol fees
veBAL current APR:
- Gauge weight power: 27-35% APR in bribes
- 1.35% in protocol fees paid in BAL & bb-a-USD
- Governance power (Not priced)
- veBoost (Not priced yet, and could be delegated and used by Paladin DAO)
Several options to optimize the BAL holdings:
1) Update to auraBAL Strategy: Exit Union but keep accumulating some BAL, AURA & stables with the auraBAL holdings, until it’s big enough to lock on veBAL. In that case, the Locked tokens msig signers would compound BAL in auraBAL, lock all AURA in vlAURA and sell all bb-a-USD in WETH.
vlAURA would be used to vote on Paladin Quests to earn bribes, either by voting on Paladin pools, or on other pools to earn various tokens in bribes that could be sold for WETH to diversify the treasury and prepare the veBAL migration.
Estimated yield for auraBAL & vlAURA strategies:
*These calculations don’t take auto compounding into account.
While it’s relatively limited as the liquidity is 12.2M$, there is still a risk that auraBAL can depeg if whales decide to massively sell some on the market to exit their positions.
2) Migrate to veBAL strategy (if whitelisted):
Switch from (u)auraBAL to veBAL as soon as possible: In that case, the proposal would be published soon on Balancer governance. To simplify, the idea is to add the 20% equivalent in WETH and LP before locking. Several assets on the main Msig & on the fee collector that can be sold to reach 2 ETH.
veBAL future position:
At this point, Paladin would control 0,0193% of the veBAL voting supply & weekly emission + 0,0353% of the vlAURA supply.
BAL LM emission controlled weekly (based on 2023 emission)
- 2230 veBAL owned: Emission redirected = 23.48 BAL/Week
- 959.29 veBAL managed with 3969 vlAURA: Emission redirected = 5.05 BAL/Week
Total BAL that could be redirected by Warlord: 28.53 BAL/Week
**Estimated yield for veBAL & vlAURA strategies:
*These calculations don’t take auto compounding into account.
Both veBAL (once migrated) & vlAURA would be used to vote on Paladin Quests to earn bribes, either by voting on Paladin pools, or on other pools to earn various tokens in bribes that would be sold for WETH to diversify the treasury and prepare the veBAL migration.
3) Keep the uAuraBAL strategy:
Despite the set & forget strategy auto compounding the auraBAL rewards on Union, this is not the best for the following reasons:
- Accumulating more auraBAL which has no voting power
- Not synergistic with Quest & Warden (No votes/bribes & no veBoost)
- Risk of auraBAL depeg
- 5 of performance fee + 1% withdraw fee
Means: 2 ETH to buy using Quest fees (if veBAL)
Technical implementation:
- Claim pending BAL on the Main Multisig and send to locked tokens Msig
- Start working on the Balancer whitelist proposal
- If the auraBAL strategy is voted: Withdraw from Union and migrate all BAL for auraBAL
- If the veBAL Strategy is voted: Withdraw from Union, manually compound BAL earned for auraBAL until whitelist, lock aura rewards for vlAURA, sell all bb-a-USD for WETH and publish the whitelist proposal
- If the Union strategy is voted: Add all BAL for auraBAL, then deposit aurBAL for uauraBAL
Voting Options:
- Update to auraBAL strategy
- Migrate to veBAL strategy if whitelisted
- Keep the uAuraBAL strategy
- Explore other strategies
- Abstain
- Update to auraBAL strategy
- Migrate to veBAL strategy if whitelisted
- Keep the uAuraBAL strategy
- Explore other strategies
- Abstain
0 voters