Summary: Update the CRV strategy
Context: As mentioned in Treasury management #2, most BAL & CRV holdings have been transferred to the Locked Tokens Multisig, with other strategic assets.
While the CVX & AURA have been locked already to avoid missing another round (considering that there are not a lot of possible strategies for these assets), some of the BAL & CRV are already deployed but there might be better strategies.
The BAL strategy discussion can be found on the Treasury Management #3.2.
Rationale: The current CRV holdings are the following:
Breakdown of the 85.26K CRV:
- 56.8K held on the Locked Tokens Msig
- 9.93K + 18.20K Pending claim on Main Msig
- 0,3K CRV on the fees Collector
One of the long term goal is to get the ability to max lock CRV for veCRV, allowing to benefit from all veCRV features without additional restriction: Governance power, gauge weight power, veBoost, protocol fees and any potential airdrop to veCRV holders.
However, we need to be whitelisted to lock CRV, and this can take time, so the DAO started by using wrappers and might continue before asking the veCRV whitelist directly depending on the result of this proposal.
After PGP 17, the Paladin DAO deposited 71981 CRV in the Stake DAO liquid lockers, which allowed the DAO to get earnings and part of the voting power.
Breakdown of sdCRV earnings:
- 719,17 + (88,17 pending claim) 3CRV on the Main multisig
- 2479,84 (+35,58 pending claim) SDT from sdCRV bribes on the Main mutisig
- 77,19 (+13.5 pending claim) CRV on the Main multisig
- 17.66 3CRV + 12.32 SDT + 6.07 CRV pending claim to date on the Locked multisig (since the sdCRV have been sent recently)
sdCRV voting power: Since the treasury doesn’t hold veSDT, the voting power of the sdCRV is reduced. Even after the 30-Day TWAP period, the sdCRV voting power was always between x0.6 and x0.7, meaning that earnings are lower than holding & voting with veCRV max locked.
Current voting power for 71981 sdCRV staked:
Several options to optimize the strategy:
1) sdCRV strategy: (Buy & lock SDT or get veBoost)
The max boost is x1,57, so with current numbers, the voting power would increase to 113010 veCRV by holding 46090 veSDT (SDT locked 4 years). Otherwise we’d need to lock at least 29.3K veSDT to get 1:1 voting power.
Additionally, Paladin could release the veSDT market on Warden which would allow to consider the opportunity cost of buying veBoost on Warden.
Not to mention that there are also 85.26K CRV not allocated yet, which would basically double the amount above if we were to allocate it there too. Also, the CRV holdings are constantly growing thanks to the POL Strategy and fees.
2) st-yCRV strategy: Yearn recently launched the yCRV , which allows different options: st-yCRV, lp-yCRV & soon vl-yCRV. While vl-yCRV is not out yet, the two other are, and st-yCRV can be interesting for us:
- 2,21x boost on Curve Admin Fees (4.98% APR)
- Yearn 10M veCRV & yveCRV/yvboost not migrated used to boost new users
- st-yCRV gauge weight power is used to get bribes
- Auto Compound bribes rewards into more CRV
- MegaBoost (not permanent): Yearn is donating 1M yCRV to boost the yield (30k yCRV Weekly) 6,91% APR
- No lock or restrictions
- No buy & lock of additional token (yet ?)
- Current st-yCRV APR: 36.72% (vs 20,53% APR on sdCRV).
3) Ask the veCRV whitelist directly & max lock:
As one of the long term goals is to fully enjoy veCRV benefits by being able to max lock CRV (either part or all of it), we could make a proposal now and try to be whitelisted, but not sure if the vote would pass easily.
In my opinion, the CRV should be migrated to Yearn with the st-yCRV strategy to benefit from the boosted yield (live since 1 month already), wait & explore the vl-yCRV option once live, and start working on the Curve whitelist proposal.
Means: None outside gas costs
Technical implementation:
- Claim pending CRV rewards on the Main Multisig, send to Locked tokens Multisig and start working on the Curve whitelist proposal
- If sdCRV is voted: Deposit & stake all CRV for sdCRV-gauge, buy & lock SDT or get veBoost
- If st-yCRV is voted: Unstake sdCRV-Gauge for sdCRV, sell for CRV, approve & Deposit all CRV for st-yCRV
- If veCRV is voted: Publish the whitelist proposal and migrate as soon as whitelisted
Voting options:
- Keep the sdCRV strategy
- Migrate to st-yCRV strategy
- Try directly the veCRV strategy
- Explore other strategies
- Abstain
- Keep the sdCRV strategy
- Migrate to st-yCRV strategy
- Try directly the veCRV strategy
- Explore other strategies
- Abstain
0 voters