PGM-XX : Paladin Alerts (Analytics)

Hi everyone!


This PGM proposes the development of Paladin Analytics, a system that provides real-time analytics, reporting, and data alerts for the Paladin community. It wishes to improve community engagement and attract new users by delivering valuable data and insights. The project will empower Paladin users by delivering key metrics, market trends, governance updates, and other important information. It seeks to improve analytics strategies and foster deeper engagement within the Paladin community.


This proposal addresses the growing need for reliable and accessible analytics and reporting tools in the expanding Paladin ecosystem. By providing valuable data and insights, the project aims to attract new users and increase community engagement.

While the current statistics provide valuable information for Paladin users within the platform, our system offers a unique approach to engage and market to users outside of the Paladin community. By providing the statistics directly on social networks such as Twitter, we can reach a wider audience and potentially attract new users who may not be familiar with Paladin. This differentiates our solution from the data displayed on dashboards, as it focuses on expanding the user base and increasing engagement beyond the existing community.


The existing analytics and reporting tools within the Paladin ecosystem may not effectively engage users outside of the community or attract new users unfamiliar with Paladin. Paladin Analytics aims to bridge this gap by providing statistics directly on various platforms, expanding the user base, and increasing engagement. The project aims to address the limitations of the current system and improve community participation.

The success of the project will be measured by:

  • User engagement metrics, such as the number of active users and interactions with the analytics system.
  • Adoption rate of the Paladin Analytics system among community members.
  • Positive user feedback and satisfaction with the system’s functionality and insights.

Technical Specification:

The Paladin Analytics system will be developed using Python for backend development and Vue JS/Typescript for frontend implementation. It will leverage smart contract data, governance information, transaction history, and other relevant metrics to generate meaningful reports and visualizations. The system will include features such as real-time analytics, market trend analysis, and governance updates. The team will consist of experienced developers skilled in Python and Vue JS/Typescript.


We request a grant of 6000 USDT (equivalent in $PAL) to cover the following expenses:

  • Developer compensation for the squad members involved in the project.
  • Server and hosting costs for deploying and maintaining the analytics system.
  • Ongoing maintenance and support to ensure the system’s continuous operation and improvements.


Paladin Analytics is designed to provide an accessible platform for users to access important analytics and insights related to the Paladin ecosystem.

  • Develop a real-time analytics system that covers key metrics, market trends, and governance updates.
  • Implement data collection and processing components, integrating with Paladin smart contracts.
  • Build an intuitive interface with visualizations to present the analytics and insights effectively.
  • Conduct rigorous testing to ensure accuracy and reliability of the analytics system.
  • Deploy the Paladin Analytics system and gather user feedback for continuous improvements.

You can see what a simplified version of the system looks like on this link ( ).

  • Week 1: Gather requirements, finalize technical specifications, and set up the development environment.
  • Week 2: Implement data collection and processing components, integrate with Paladin smart contracts, and develop the analytics and reporting functionalities.
  • Week 3: Build the interface, incorporate visualizations, conduct rigorous testing, and address any bugs or issues.
  • Week 4: Deploy the Paladin Analytics system, monitor its performance, gather user feedback, and make necessary optimizations.

Our goal is not only to provide analytics and reporting for the existing Paladin community but mostly to attract new users to the protocol. We believe in the importance of reaching a wider audience and introducing them to the benefits of the protocol. We aim to bring new users to the protocol by leveraging our analytics system and implementing its own marketing and engagement strategy. By aligning with the community’s needs and preferences, we can make the analytics system as efficient and valuable as possible for Paladin and its users, which is why we will work with the community and contributors by gathering feedbacks and consulting the users in the data choice and display.

Our team, @paladinanalytics , is a group of experienced developers who have a strong background in deploying protocols and participating in hackathons. We have a deep understanding of the DeFi space and are committed to providing valuable analytics to the Paladin community through Paladin Analytics. We have been granted by Velas Blockchain and Redlight Chain in the last six months and won the latest hackathon in Paris.

Have a nice day! I am available if you have any question regarding the proposal.

I’ve always been for more transparency in the DeFi space and such valuable work is really desired.

I just have a few questions:

Will this project be open source ? (if yes with which license)
Will there be maintaining over the time (if a new paladin product come for example)
Will it be only focuses on Paladin products or a more variety of data ?

Thank you for your questions!

  • Open Source: Yes, the project will be open source. We believe in the importance of transparency and community collaboration. The specific license will be open GNU, as we intend to use a permissive license that allows for widespread adoption.

  • Maintenance: Yes, there will be ongoing maintenance and support for the Paladin Analytics system. We understand that the DeFi space is dynamic, and new updates will be introduced over time. Our team will ensure that the analytics system remains up to date and compatible with any new Paladin products or changes within the ecosystem. We are committed to providing continuous improvements, bug fixes, and technical support to support the system’s longevity.

  • Data Focus: The Paladin Analytics system will focus on providing analytics for the Paladin products. Our main goalt is to bring new users through our enagagement strategy and inform current users with valuable data. Also, we would like to increase governance participation (which is very important to us) by providing analytics such as a new snapshot, a proposal with a lot of activity…

I am available if you have any further question! :slight_smile:

Hi, I’m not sure I understand the core goal of this analytics system:

  • What is the need for an Alert system? (note that we already have a custom internal one + are about to push a community built one for Quest on Twitter)
  • Who is the team behind this? I’m not asking doxxing, but we don’t even have pseudos or track record in DeFi or governance

There are so many interesting opportunities for Quest and our upcoming products, but I’d advise maybe thinking about a more through implementation of useful data.

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