PIR-1: Whitelisted gauges for tokenomics 2.0

1. Summary:

As stated in the PIP-20, the Vote Flywheel from the tokenomics 2.0 will need a whitelisting system to enable projects to drive emissions to their Quests. This proposal will set the genesis batch of whitelisted gauges.

2. Rationale:

The rationale behind PIP-20 and the implementation of the Vote Flywheel, as outlined in Tokenomics 2.0, is rooted in the strategic evolution of the Paladin ecosystem. The proposed whitelisting system is designed to empower projects by allowing them to direct emissions towards their specific Quests.

The introduction of a whitelisting system ensures a curated and quality-driven selection of gauges. This process is fundamental in maintaining the integrity of the Paladin ecosystem, ensuring that only projects that meet specific criteria can benefit from the Vote Flywheel. Additionally, the Vote Flywheel will be operational on the mainnet, requiring the gauges to be on the same network.

The initial batch of whitelisted gauges will also serve as a critical learning opportunity, providing valuable insights into the system’s effectiveness and areas for improvement.

Here is the list of the whitelisted gauges for the Vote Flywheel :

CURVE PAL-ETH 0x4fb13b55d6535584841dbbdb14edc0258f7ac414
CURVE T-ETH 0x6070fbd4e608ee5391189e7205d70cc4a274c017
CURVE 50SILO-50WETH 0x75cacebb5b4a73a530edcdfde7cffbfea44c026e
CURVE COIL/FRAX 0x06b30d5f2341c2fb3f6b48b109685997022bd272
CURVE 2BTC_Arbi 0xd6dacdcb438f048cf90e53415872cdb3fcc95421
CURVE 2BTC-f 0x5010263ac1978297f56048c7d2b02316a3435404
CURVE arbi USD+/Fraxbp 0x4645e6476d3a5595be9efd39426cc10586a8393d
CURVE opti tBTC/wBTC 0xcea806562b757aeffa9fe9d0a03c909b4a204254
CURVE crvUSD/ETH/SILO 0xb901a92f2c385afa0a019e8a307a59a570239ca4
CURVE Arbi-axlUSDC+FRAXBP 0x4C1227ECC3F99A3e510DB26fBa72F7A1cBF50586
CURVE osETH/rETH 0x63037a4e3305d25d48baed2022b8462b2807351c
CURVE pyUSD/USDC 0x9da75997624c697444958aded6790bfca96af19a
CURVE alETH/frxETH 0x415F30505368fa1dB82Feea02EB778be04e75907
CURVE alUSD/FRAXBP 0x740BA8aa0052E07b925908B380248cb03f3DE5cB
CURVE alUSD/3CRV 0x9582C4ADACB3BCE56Fea3e590F05c3ca2fb9C477
CURVE alETH/wETH 0xB251c0885c7c1975D773B57e67c138FBcEaa6db4
CURVE ALCX/FRAXBP 0xD5bE6A05B45aEd524730B6d1CC05F59b021f6c87
BALANCER 20WETH-80T 0x7fc115bf013844d6ef988837f7ae6398af153532
BALANCER DOLA-USDC 0xbc02ef87f4e15ef78a571f3b2adcc726fee70d8b
BALANCER 2BTC 0xc4b6cc9a444337b1cb8cbbdd9de4d983f609c391
BALANCER tBTC-wETH 0xa8d974288fe44acc329d7d7a179707d27ec4dd1c
BALANCER 80/20 wETH-ALCX 0x183d73da7adc5011ec3c46e33bb50271e59ec976
BALANCER 2BTC 0x21c377cbb2beddd8534308e5cdfebe35fdf817e8
BALANCER osETH/wETH 0xc592c33e51A764B94DB0702D8BAf4035eD577aED
BALANCER Base-tBTC/wETH 0xF6FA773b5E54F4BD20E09d806AB483d58dD55dcb
BALANCER optimism BPT-OPARA 0x390e36102245eac08e5b3d4527b30b3a645f16d7
BALANCER OVN/wUSD+ Arbi 0x972539E9d340a915775C004715f286a166F067Fd
BALANCER PAL/ETH arbi 0x1461C4a373d27977f0D343Ba33C22870c89F9dF0
BALANCER T/tBTC 0xCc6A23446f6388D78F3037BD55f2eB820352d982
BALANCER COIL-USDC 0x78a54c8f4eaba82e45cbc20b9454a83cb296e09e
BALANCER DOLA-USDC BSP 0xBC02eF87f4E15EF78A571f3B2aDcC726Fee70d8b
BALANCER mkUSD-DOLA BSP 0x6D560CbE3Cc25Eca8c930835Ec3d296a6C16B210
BALANCER sDOLA-DOLA BSP 0xCD19892916929F013930ed628547Cc1F439b230e
BUNNI FRAX-PAL 0x3b5f433940ed3f57f9ab73e725cf91cfaaef8789
BUNNI GRAI/USDC 0x0dd538156cc4b0966d4ab60358ad2b12f57b0961
BUNNI DOLA/USDC 0xC11869829D58150d5268e8F2d32BD4815B437142
BUNNI INV/DOLA 0xC433eC439f5A63Bb360F432fb013D572564A9ce1

3. Means:

WL said gauges at deployment of the VF

4. Treasury resources:


5. Voting options:

  • For
  • Against
  • Abstain
0 voters
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Thanks for creating this proposal, nice to see the PIR category finally becoming useful!

In favor of implementing the proposed gauges, and agree that for the launch it makes sense to make a grouped proposal as we have time to debate before if one should be removed.

However in the future I believe the gauges proposals should be submitted one by one to avoid bundling several unrelated projects.

Also wondering why these gauges ? Some are obvious like the PAL and Quests customers ones, but if I’m not mistaken not all the projects above are using Quest, so I was wondering under which criteria were picked the others ?

Asking because when we might want to request specific informations for new gauges proposals such as project presentation (as voted in PIP-20) or other criteria that might be interesting like the TVL of the pool, average daily fees, weekly bribes budget etc

For example not sure what this gauge is, which is why adding a short project description is important imo, especially as this issue will grow over time with more integration requests.


Hey thanks for your answer.

I also concur that proposals for whitelisting gauges in the future should be handled individually, and that presenting the project along with some essential criteria should be mandatory.

All the gauges mentioned are from Quest customers; some of them have requested them for upcoming Quests.
Furthermore, it is not possible to distribute rewards on gauges that do not have a live Quest. The rewards would be rerolled in the next round.

This Quest is the Paraswap quest on OP.



Quorum PIR-1: 532 367 votes
