PIR-2: Whitelisted gauges for F(x) quests for tokenomics 2.0

Summary: As stated in the PIP-20, the Vote Flywheel from the tokenomics 2.0 will need a whitelisting system to enable projects to drive emissions to their Quests. This proposal will set the genesis batch of whitelisted gauges for the F(x) quests.

Rationale: As we near the release of the Vote Flywheel, it’s essential to include the latest Paladin integration within the scope of our new tokenomics (F(x) protocol). As outlined in PIR-1, the proposed whitelisting system aims to empower projects by enabling them to direct emissions towards their specific Quests. Consequently, all new F(x) quests must be whitelisted before the launch.

As a reminder :
The implementation of a whitelisting system guarantees a curated and quality-centric selection of gauges, which is crucial for preserving the integrity of the Paladin ecosystem. This system ensures that only projects meeting specific criteria can leverage the Vote Flywheel. Moreover, the Vote Flywheel will operate on the mainnet, necessitating that all gauges be on the same network.

The first set of whitelisted gauges will also provide an essential learning opportunity, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness of the system and highlighting potential areas for improvement.

Here is the list of the F(x) whitelisted gauges for the Vote Flywheel :

F(x) DOLA+fxUSD 0x61F32964C39Cca4353144A6DB2F8Efdb3216b35B
F(x) GHO+fxUSD 0xf0A3ECed42Dbd8353569639c0eaa833857aA0A75
F(x) MIM + fxUSD 0xDF7fbDBAE50C7931a11765FAEd9fe1A002605B55
F(x) alUSD+fxUSD 0x9c7003bC16F2A1AA47451C858FEe6480B755363e
F(x) crvUSD+fxUSD 0xF4Bd6D66bAFEA1E0500536d52236f64c3e8a2a84
F(x) PYUSD+fxUSD 0xeD113B925AC3f972161Be012cdFEE33470040E6a
F(x) ETH + FXN 0xA5250C540914E012E22e623275E290c4dC993D11
F(x) FXN+cvxFXN 0xfEFafB9446d84A9e58a3A2f2DDDd7219E8c94FbB

Every asset of the list is coming from major partners or historical clients.


  • WL said gauges at deployment of the VF

Treasury resources: None

Voting options:

For / Against / Abstain

  • For
  • Against
  • Abstain
0 voters


Quorum PIR-2: 545 345 votes.
